Becoming a Client

We favor a four visit sequence, in-person or remote, as laid out below (can be condensed if desired). Note there is NO cost or obligation for visits 1 and 2. You will have the framework for making an educated and informed decision, knowing how we can help prior to paying us a fee or trusting us with your hard-earned nest egg.

The Discovery Visit

Discovery Visit Objectives

  • Get acquainted
  • Discuss your goals, financial experiences, etc.
  • Present our philosophy, principles, and processes

The Diagnostic Visit

Diagnostic Visit Objectives

  • Present initial Refined Retirement Review
  • Identify areas to add value
  • Mutual commitment to work together
  • Account transfer paperwork completed

Typically occurs 7-10 days after the Discovery Visit.

The Design Visit

Design Visit Objectives

  • Present our proposed Refined Retirement Review
  • Review and accept strategies and overall plan
  • Execute new plan and paperwork

Typically occurs 7-10 days after the Diagnostic Visit.

The Delivery Visit

Delivery Visit Objectives

  • Review of final Refined Retirement Review
  • Copies of all paperwork presented in our organizational binder
  • Collect Refined Retirement swag

Typically occurs 30-45 days after the Design Visit.

Tactical/Strategy Visit(s)


Tactical/Strategy Visit Objectives

  • Update the Refined Retirement Review
  • Ongoing, mid-course corrections made as needed
  • Progress toward goals tracked

Occurs as agreed upon.